Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 20 – A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel

Unlike many of my friends, I never had a huge travel bug. Sure I'd like to go see some of these far and distant places, but I didn't feel like my life would be incomplete if I didn't.

When I started high school, my World History (should that be capitalized?) teacher told us how he takes a small group of students to far off places during their senior year's spring break. I remember my dad coming home from parent's night that year and we began talking about my favorite teacher.

A few years later, my senior year of high school, I found out that teacher was taking students to Europe for 10 days. 10 days in London, Paris, and Rome. I went home and told my Dad I was determined to make that MY trip. And low and behold, I spent 10 amazing days in Europe.

Now let's not forget our 2 years in Germany. Even though we didn't travel nearly as much as I would have liked, being able to say that I lived in Germany and had my daughter in Germany is something the majority of people don't get to say.

Of all the places I've had the pleasure to visit in my short life, there are still plenty of places the travel bug in me is itching to see. With this post my mind jumped from various locations across the globe, mostly tropical with this time of year.

 However, I would LOVE to visit Australia. The Great Down Under.

When we lived in Germany I would always watch this wanna be version of Baywatch mixed with the reality of one of the most dangerous beaches in the world. Bondi Rescue became one of my favorite shows, nearly instantaneously. I mean who wouldn't love hot, Australian men (with that incredibly yummy accent) who are in astonishing shape, running around on a beach saving lives. I would get into trouble on that beach just to be rescued by one.

Insert my desire to visit the island. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a kangaroo in its native habitat, swim in ice blue water, and spend Christmas Day with my toes buried deep in warm sand.

Honestly, who wouldn't want to visit? Look how pretty it is!

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